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Poramas Angkulanont
Phakin seele
Bandit Pomsuwan
Pakawat oumai
Thanakorn Kaimusik
Siraprapa Panthong


This research objective was to study the effect of parachute resistance running training on running speed at 30 meters in Chandrakasem Rajabhat University football players. Football players at Chandrakasem Rajabhat University recruited 30 males aged 19–25 years as the subjects of the research, divided into 15 experimental groups and 15 control groups. The experimental group conducted resistance running training from a parachute and soccer training for 8 weeks, while the control group practiced soccer according to the team's usual program. Data on 30-meter running speed were collected before and after week 8 of training, and the difference in 30-meter running speed mean was analyzed before and after training with a t-test at a statistical significance level of 0.05. The experimental group had a running speed of 30 meters. There was a statistically significant decrease at the level of 0.05, and the experimental group had a running speed of 30 meters. A statistically significant improvement from the control group at a level of 0.05 showed that the parachute resistance training program could effectively improve the running speed of Chandrakasem Rajabhat University football players, and trainers should use it to benefit athletes who want to improve their speed performance. Or continue to improve your running performance.

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How to Cite
Angkulanont, P. ., seele, P. ., Pomsuwan, B. ., oumai, P. ., Kaimusik, T. ., & Panthong, S. . (2024). THE EFFECTS OF PARACHUTE RESISTANCE TRAINING ON MALE SOCCER PLAYERS’ 30-METER RUNNING SPEED. Sports Science and Health Innovation Journal, Rajabhat University Group of Thailand, 3(3), 67–75. retrieved from


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