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Dissarin Maneesri
Dechatorn Srimart
Kasidech Jundech
Nuttatram Bubpharam
Manop Phoosuwan
Natthida Bangmek


The purpose of the study was to study the correlation between physical activity and the sedentary behavior of online game players at Chandrakasem Rajabhat University. The participants consisted of 293 students at Chandrakasem Rajabhat University from purposive sampling. Data collection used the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire developed by the World Health Organization and a questionnaire about games online in September 2023. The results were analyzed using frequency, percentage, and the chi-square test. 

The results of the study found that students at Chandrakasem Rajabhat University who play online games have sufficient physical activity: 45.73 percent, 30.03 percent have insufficient physical activity, 50.85 percent have sedentary behavior, and 24.91 percent have no sedentary behavior. Those who do not play online games have sufficient physical activity. 11.94 percent had insufficient physical activity, 13.99 percent had sedentary behavior, and 10.23 percent had no sedentary behavior. In addition, it was found that there was no relationship between the level of physical activity and the sedentary behavior of Chandrakasem Rajabhat University online game players. Therefore, it can be seen that playing online games is not an important contributor to low physical activity and sedentary behavior.

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How to Cite
Maneesri, D. ., Srimart, D. ., Jundech, K. ., Bubpharam, N. ., Phoosuwan, M. ., & Bangmek, N. . (2024). CORRELATION OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND SEDENTARY BEHAVIOR OF ONLINE GAME PLAYERS IN CHANDRAKASEM RAJABHAT UNIVERSITY. Sports Science and Health Innovation Journal, Rajabhat University Group of Thailand, 3(3), 11–22. retrieved from


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