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Santi fugthong


This research aims to study and develop a model of surveillance, prevention, and control of disease and health hazards in border areas that do not have immigration checkpoints and disease control checkpoints, including where people can travel in and out through temporary border crossings or illegal channels (natural channels), to be appropriate and consistent with the social context in the area in accordance with international health regulations (International Health Regulator 2005: IHR2005). The sample groups were divided into two groups: 1) There are 385 residents in the area of Phosai District’s border (15–60 years old). 2) interviewers about the management of surveillance, prevention, and control of diseases and health hazards along the border, such as the sheriff, administrative executives, soldiers, border petrol police, village headmen, volunteers/public health volunteers, and public health officials. The author did a sample using a specific methodology with 49 people. The author gathered the data by interviewing forms and questionnaires. Data analysis was done through content analysis, average, and standard deviation. Conducting research has three steps: 1) Study the context and problems of the area. 2) Develop a model for surveillance, prevention, and control of disease and health hazards. 3) evaluate the effectiveness of the model. The results of the research found that people living in the border area of Thai-Lao Pho Sai District have awareness of the management model for surveillance, prevention, and control of disease and health hazards along the border of government agencies at the highest level (mean = 4.68, S.D. = 0.35). Participates in activities of surveillance, prevention, and control of disease and health hazards in the community at a high level (mean = 3.50, S.D. = 0.22). Therefore, the community should be strengthened. Surveillance, prevention, and control of diseases and health threats along the border effectively, including coordination and interagency guidelines at the national, central, and regional levels

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How to Cite
fugthong, S. (2024). THE MODEL DEVELOPMENT OF DISEASE AND HEALTH HAZARDS SURVEILLANCE, PREVENTION, AND CONTROL ON THE THAI-LAO PDR BORDER AT PHOSAI DISTRICT AREA, UBONRACHATANEE PROVINCE. Sports Science and Health Innovation Journal, Rajabhat University Group of Thailand, 3(4), 47–64. retrieved from


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