Nursing care for mothers after cesarean section who has severe high blood pressure with pulmonary edema: a case study


  • Ketsarin Phromma พยาบาลวิชาชีพชำนาญการ โรงพยาบาลปากช่องนานา จังหวัดนครราชสีมา


nursing, cesarean section, gestational hypertension, pulmonary edema


     This study was case study aimed study nursing care for mothers after cesarean section who have severe high blood pressure and pulmonary edema. Study from 37-year-old myanmar female patient was admitted to Pak Chong Nana Hospital on July 9, 2023 with symptoms of rapid breathing, labor pains and premature rupture of membranes
before coming to the hospital for 3 hours. The patient was diagnosed as G3P2 AL2GA 37+3 wks with Labor pain with hyperthyroid with breech presentation with severe pre-eclampsia with pulmonary edema.
     Results: The patient received a Caesarean section with TR due to breech presentation with severe preeclampsia.After surgery, the patient was admitted to the intensive care unit for care and moved to continue care at the postpartum ward while being cared for in the postpartum ward. It was found that a mother after giving birth
is more likely to have seizures. Due to severe high blood pressure, risk of postpartum hemorrhage, and risk of adverse reactions from receiving MgSO4. Nurses provide close care by measuring vital signs watching and controlling blood pressure levels, and observing unusual symptoms from receiving MgSO4 to relieve surgical wound pain. When entering the recovery period, the nurse watches for infection in the surgical wound and encourages child to suckle breast milk.


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How to Cite

Phromma, K. (2023). Nursing care for mothers after cesarean section who has severe high blood pressure with pulmonary edema: a case study. Journal of Environmental and Community Health, 8(3), 162–170. retrieved from