Effects of pre- and post-operative visits on anxiety of pregnant women by cesarean section in Kumphawapi Hospital Udon Thani Province.


  • Jaruwan Mitala พยาบาลวิชาชีพชำนาญการ โรงพยาบาลกุมภวาปี จังหวัดอุดรธานี


: Pre and post-operative visits, Anxiety, Pregnant woman by cesarean section


     This study was a quasi-experimental study with one group, measuring results before and after the experiment (Quasi experiment by One-group pre-test post-test). The objective is to study the anxiety of pregnant women with Cesarean section and pre- and post-operative visits. to the anxiety of pregnant women by Cesarean section In Kumphawapi Hospital Udon Thani Province The research period is between July - October 2023 total of 4 months. Sample size were 40 pregnant women who came for a cesarean section at Kumphawapi Hospital. Udon Thani Province. Data were collected from questionnaires and medical records. Data analyzed by Content analysis (Content Analysis) frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation and Dependent t – test.

     The results of the study found that the anxiety of pregnant women by Caesarean section in Kumphawapi Hospital Udon Thani Province Before operating, the overall level was at a high level. After the operation, the overall level was at a low level and the anxiety of pregnant women by Caesarean section in Kumphawapi Hospital Udon Thani Province Before and after the operation (Dependent t - test) there was a statistical significant difference at the .05 level. After the operation, the level of anxiety of pregnant women by Caesarean section in Kumphawapi Hospital. Udon Thani Province has a decreased value.


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How to Cite

Mitala, J. (2023). Effects of pre- and post-operative visits on anxiety of pregnant women by cesarean section in Kumphawapi Hospital Udon Thani Province. Journal of Environmental and Community Health, 8(3), 523–530. retrieved from https://he03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ech/article/view/1942