Nursing care of Gastrointestinal tract infection patients with sepsis with Atrial fibrillation: a case study


  • Chailai Klinoun พยาบาลวิชาชีพชำนาญการ โรงพยาบาลบ้านหมี่


Sepsis, Gastrointestinal tract, Atrial fibrillation


     This study was case study aimed to study nursing care of gastrointestinal tract infection patients with sepsis with atrial fibrillation. Study a Thai male patient, age 52 years old, was admitted to the hospital on 20 July 2023 with significant symptoms of dizziness, fainting, and heart palpitations before coming to the hospital for 1 day. First get an EKG: The patient's SVT rate was 235 beats/minute. He had acute diarrhea.
     Results: diagnosed as atrial fibrillation with sepsis. The patient was intubated. The data showed Syncohronized cardioversion of 50 J, Adenosine of 6 mg IV bolus, load codarone of 300 mg in 5% and D/W 200 ml in 30 min. The patient was admitted to the male medical ward. Transfer intensive care unit until 4 September 2023. The patient stopped using the On T-piece 10 LPM ventilator and was transferred to the male medical ward. During nursing care, the patient also had atrial fibrillation, a risk of decreased blood flow from the heart in 1 minute, a risk of blood clots in the brain, prevention of oxygen depletion, a risk of infection in the bloodstream and deficiency in daily activities. The nurse provided nursing care as planned. The nurse provided nursing care as planned. The endotracheal tube was removed and the heart rate was 98-110 beats/min.. The nurse had a discharge plan and provided knowledge to patients and relatives. The patient was discharged on 9 August 2023, total hospital admission of 23 days.


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How to Cite

Klinoun, C. (2024). Nursing care of Gastrointestinal tract infection patients with sepsis with Atrial fibrillation: a case study. Journal of Environmental and Community Health, 9(1), 524–530. retrieved from