Situations and Needs in Community-Based Palliative Care: A Case Study of Sub-district Health Promoting Hospitals in Ubon Ratchathani Province.


  • Buntherng Phonsawat -
  • Orathai Pinsuwan -
  • Prangthip Thasanoh Elter -
  • Boonrak Choengchumpitak -
  • Patcharee Jaigarun -
  • Petthai Niramansakulpong -


palliative care, community participation, end-of-life care


     This survey research aimed to study the situation of participatory palliative care in a sub-district health promoting hospital in Mueang District, Ubon Ratchathani Province. Data was collected through in-depth interviews and focus group discussions using interview forms and focus group questions, which were validated for content validity by three experts, with a content validity index of 1.00. The 18 key informants were selected through purposive sampling, consisting of 6 service providers, 8 community network members, and 4 service recipients. Data analysis was conducted using content analysis.
     The research findings revealed five key aspects: 1) The situation of palliative care in the community found limitations in service access, symptom management, and resource support. 2) Participation in care found the importance of stakeholder roles, but limitations in coordination and communication persisted. 3) Knowledge and skills in care found that both personnel and caregivers still required development. 4) Care policies and guidelines found a lack of clarity at both local and community levels. 5) Challenges and opportunities for development found both obstacles in personnel and resources, and opportunities for creating community care networks.


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How to Cite

Phonsawat, B. ., Pinsuwan, O. ., Thasanoh Elter, P. ., Choengchumpitak, B. ., Jaigarun, P. ., & Niramansakulpong, P. . (2024). Situations and Needs in Community-Based Palliative Care: A Case Study of Sub-district Health Promoting Hospitals in Ubon Ratchathani Province. Journal of Environmental and Community Health, 9(4), 796–808. retrieved from