Self-care behaviors of patients with hypertension in the area of responsibility of a health promoting hospital Nong Chang Laen Subdistrict, Huai Yot District, Trang province


  • Pakpoom Ounhalekjit Department of Community public health, Faculty of Engineering science and technology, Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology
  • Ubonwan Klincheun Department of Community public health, Faculty of Engineering science and technology, Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology


self-care behavior, hypertension, hypertension patients


          This research is a study self-care behaviors with hypertension. and to compare self-care behaviors of patients with hypertension. The variables consisted of gender, age, status, education level, occupation, income, duration of illness. The study examined the relationship of the leading factors which included knowledge about hypertension, attributes about hypertension and the contributing factors which included access to health services, receiving health information about hypertension and the additional factors such as receiving social support obtaining advice from health personnel and self-care behaviors of patients with hypertension. By applying concepts, theories, and health promotion models (PRECEDE - PROCEED Model), the studies were 353 patients with hypertension. There was a purposive sampling. Data were collected by questionnaires. (Questionnaires consisted of 5 parts included) 1) personal information 2) leading factor 3) facilitating factor 4) supporting factor 5) self-care behavior. The Conformity Index (IOC) was 0.91, the discrimination power was 0.48, the difficulty was 0.55, the accuracy was 0.85, and the reliability was 0.83. Reliability for the entire issue was 0.83. Data were analyzed in term of frequencies, percent, mean, standard deviation and Pearson's Correlation Coefficient were used for statistics testing to product Moment Correlation Coefficient.

          The results of the study found that

             1) Patients with high blood pressure in the responsible area of Nong Chang Laen Health Promoting Hospital Self-care behaviors were at the routine level.

             2) There were no differences in self-care behavior related hypertension according to the high blood pressure patients with differences in gender, age, status, education level, occupation, income, period of illness.

             3) There was a positive statistically significant correlation between self-care behavior of patients with hypertension and the leading factor, contributing factors and additional factors.



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How to Cite

Ounhalekjit, pakpoom, & Klincheun, U. . (2023). Self-care behaviors of patients with hypertension in the area of responsibility of a health promoting hospital Nong Chang Laen Subdistrict, Huai Yot District, Trang province. Health Science Journal of Nakhon Ratchasima College, 2(1), 28–46. retrieved from