The effectiveness of an innovative lift and transfer wheelchair for the elderly in reducing ergonomic risks in caregivers in Bang Phli Yai sub-district, Bang Pli district, Samut Prakarn province.


  • Jaroenchai Ungcharoensuk Faculty of Engineering science and technology, Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology
  • Wantanee Tantisuk Faculty of Engineering science and technology, Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology
  • Phongdej khawinpat Faculty of Engineering science and technology, Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology
  • Chongkol Sungoum Faculty of Engineering science and technology, Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology


Chair design, Elderly, Risk assessment, Ergonomics


        The purpose of this study was to study the effectiveness of innovative lifting and moving chairs for elderly to reduce ergonomic risks from caregivers' work postures. This experimental research conducted by caregivers who took care of wheelchairs-using elderly in Bang Phli Yai Subdistrict, Bang Phli District, Samut Prakan Province. We selected 32 samples by purposive sample method. The data collection tools were general information questionnaires and an ergonomic risk assessment form on the work posture of the elderly caregivers by using Rapid Entire Body Assessment, REBA. The tool quality was examined by 3 experts and the index of consistency (IOC) was 0.84. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, including frequency distribution, percentage, mean and standard deviation.

        The results showed that before the innovation design, total risk scores of caregivers in the REBA method from lifting and moving the elderly from bed and going to the toilet were in the range of ≥11. This means that the work risk was very high and posture should be improved immediately. After studying and designing a chair to lift and move the elderly to reduce the ergonomic risk from caregiver's working posture. The design of the chair can be adjusted up and down with an electric hydraulic system, which can lift and move the elderly from the bed and go to the bathroom easily, conveniently and more safely. Resulting in relieving labor and reducing the burden of supporting the elderly caregivers. After the experiment, it was found that caregivers' total risk scores while working decreased to a range of 4-7 points, which means that medium risk should be analyzed further and should be improved. Caregivers are overall satisfied with the use of chairs to lift and move the elderly. The average is at a high level (= 4.5, S.D.= 0.5). An innovative lifting and moving chair help reduce the ergonomic risks that can lead to musculoskeletal disorders among caregivers during work operations.


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How to Cite

Ungcharoensuk, J., Tantisuk , W. ., khawinpat, P. ., & Sungoum, C. . (2023). The effectiveness of an innovative lift and transfer wheelchair for the elderly in reducing ergonomic risks in caregivers in Bang Phli Yai sub-district, Bang Pli district, Samut Prakarn province. Health Science Journal of Nakhon Ratchasima College, 2(1), 1–16. retrieved from