A comparison study of Patient satisfaction in different out-patients services of U-Thong hospital, Suphan Buri province.


  • Chuenjit Borisut Registered Nurse Professional Level U-Thong Hospital
  • Orasa Opaswattana Applied Thai Traditional Medicine Dr.Orasa Applied Thai Traditional Clinic


Out-patient department, Patient satisfaction, Nursing care satisfaction


          In 2023, U-Thong hospital in Suphan Buri province has 5 Out-Patient Department services (OPD) opened daily; General practice, Medicine department, Surgery department, Obstetrics and Gynecology department and Orthopedics Department. By taking care of patients in U Thong district and contact service areas, an average of 401 people receiving services per day. Over past 3 years, patient satisfaction (PS) scores and nursing care satisfaction (NS) have continued to decline. To improve quality of patient service, we determined strengths and weaknesses in patient service and nursing care satisfaction. During January to February 2024, this study data was collected by 400 patients with accidental sampling technique. One-way ANOVA is used to compare scores and means, multiple comparison by Fisher's Least-Significant Different (LSD) test at statistical significance level of 0.05. Results showed that PS score and NS score from out-patients in every department are considerably satisfied (70-79%) to very satisfied (90-100%), (min=71% and max=93.17%). Orthopedic department is the only department that has the highest satisfaction score in all areas, unlike other departments. After analysis of the service system found that Orthopedics department has a service area separate from normal areas, with sufficient personnel for service recipients and its own appointment and hospitalization registration system including well-technical preparation, these are important factors in improving customer satisfaction. This research shows that in outpatient departments should be development and improved for new patient registration procedures, appointment systems, and inpatient registration (IPD) to have service points at the department itself or registration points to reduce overlapping procedures and reduce congestion during rush hours.


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How to Cite

Borisut , C., & Opaswattana, O. (2024). A comparison study of Patient satisfaction in different out-patients services of U-Thong hospital, Suphan Buri province . Health Science Journal of Nakhon Ratchasima College, 3(1), 22–36. retrieved from https://he03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jhsnmc/article/view/2267