Coombs Control Cells Preparation from Fresh Blood for Routine Use in Blood Bank Laboratory: A Pilot Study


  • Pollawat Thongsuk Division of Medical Technology, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences Nakhon Ratchasima College
  • Vorraphun Yingsiwaphat Division of Medical Technology, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences Nakhon Ratchasima College
  • Suphatra Phunkhuntood Division of Medical Technology, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences Nakhon Ratchasima College
  • Kittipong Martsan Division of Medical Technology, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences Nakhon Ratchasima College


          In routine Blood Bank Laboratory, cross-matching is performed for compatible safe blood and diagnosis of Hemolytic Disease caused by various factors which is necessary to use Coombs Control Cells (CCC) as quality control cells for testing. The aim of this study was to prepare in-house IgG sensitized Red Blood Cells (RBC) by using anti-D (IgG) compared with commercial CCC from National Blood Centre, Thai Red Cross Society. Taking 3 ml of Group O Rh(D) positive fresh blood 2 tubes washed in 0.9% NSS 3-5 times or until supernatant was clear. Then, pour supernatant and prepare 10% Pack Red Cells (PRC) in NSS. To determine the best titer, starting with two-fold dilution of anti-D solution (1:2 to 1:512), then adding 10% PRC to each anti-D tube, shake and spin at room temperature. Sensitized RBC was tested with Anti-Human Globulin (AHG) by using Direct Antiglobulin Test (DAT) to test effectiveness of in-house CCC. Potency test of AHG reagents using standard tube test method at 37°C with prepared sensitized RBC showed clearer and stronger agglutination than those tests at room temperature. The reaction demonstrated even with AHG dilution at 1:128 was positive. It was indicated that sensitized RBC prepared in this study had good quality with a shelf life of 15 days.  These in-house sensitized RBCs may by suitable for used instead of commercial CCC in laboratory.


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How to Cite

Thongsuk, P., Yingsiwaphat, V., Phunkhuntood, S., & Martsan, K. (2022). Coombs Control Cells Preparation from Fresh Blood for Routine Use in Blood Bank Laboratory: A Pilot Study. Health Science Journal of Nakhon Ratchasima College, 1(1), 21–27. retrieved from