Adolescent depression and the role of teacher


  • SAYADA DANTHAIWATTANA Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Nakhon Ratchasima College


Depression, Adolescent, Students, Teacher Role


        Depression is a person's emotional disorder that manifests in thought, motivation, emotion and behaviors. It is a common mental health problem and can occur in people of all ages, especially in adolescence that resulting in problems such as physical health problems, having less relationship with family members or those around them, facing problems with solitude or dependence on drugs abuse. If depression becomes more severe, it can cause self-harm or end up with suicide. I focused on middle age adolescents group between 15-24. Those adolescents in this group, if not taken care of or screened in time. They caused a great loss to the vital personnel of our country because this population is an important force in the future to driving the country's economy. In caring to help adolescents with depression, it is imperative to apply both medical knowledge and empirical evidence on the causes and factors involved, symptoms, treatment modalities, including the role of the teacher as the person closest to the adolescent after the family.

        This is for adolescents with depression or in risk group of depression, receiving comprehensive and effective preventive and medical care. The primary goal of preventive medical care is to screen and enable depressive adolescents to receive proper screening, diagnosis and medical care. They can lead a normal life in society. The author used the study method by reviewing the literature related to depression in adolescents. Statistics of physical abuse and suicide found that if there was an assessment of the risk of depression and screening self-harm adolescent groups and being able to kill yourself will help statistically sharply reduce of self-harm and suicide.  As the author is a person in an educational institution who has a close relationship with adolescents and can help screen them before referring them to the clinic or hospital.


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How to Cite

DANTHAIWATTANA, S. (2023). Adolescent depression and the role of teacher. Health Science Journal of Nakhon Ratchasima College, 1(2), 54–64. retrieved from