The implementation of telemedicine to reduce doctor visiting in social medicine clinic Hatyai hospital.


  • Wasin Kampeera Hatyai hospital


Telemedicine, COVID-19, Coronavirus, 2019, Process mining


Background: The Pandemic of COVID-19 is the majority concern of the government to reduce the COVID-19 spread. The major measure to reduce the pandemic of COVID-19 by the government is to keep social distancing and stay at home. About 3,000 people with chronic illnesses are under the continuous care of the social medicine clinic, Hatyai hospital. Chronic illness and the Elderly are at risk of severe morbidity and mortality after being infected with Coronavirus 2019. Telemedicine is the way to replace conventional doctor-patient treatment. Objective: Reducing the number of doctor visits compared with before the implementation of telemedicine. Method: Data process mining to analyze the Frequency, Mean, and Percentage. Result: Reduced doctor visits by 10.44% compared to 2019 and 2020. Decreasing in timing in the process by 6 minutes per person without different of clinical result from hypertension and diabetes patients. Conclusion: Telemedicine help reduce doctor visits and visiting duration.



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How to Cite

Kampeera, W. (2023). The implementation of telemedicine to reduce doctor visiting in social medicine clinic Hatyai hospital. Journal of the Thai Medical Informatics Association, 9(1), 42–51. retrieved from