Production and properties of fish crispy from small fish
fish crispy, small fishes, anchovies, calciumAbstract
The objectives of this study for the production of fish crispy made from small fishes were 1) to study the types of small fishes commonly sold in the local markets selected from anchovy, rice fish, and cotton candy fish; 2) to study the quantity used of small fishes varied from 50, 100, 150% by weight; 3) to evaluate the physical qualities of fish crispy (hardness , aw, L*,a* ,b*) when the type and quantity of small fishes were varied; and finally 4) to analyte the chemical compositions of the obtained fish crispy. The results found that the type and quantity of small fish appropriated for the production of fish crispy was anchovies with the content used of 100% by weight. It gave the best characteristics and quality of the crispy with the highest sensory acceptance scores in terms of color, fish smell, taste, crispness and liking, as 4.12, 3.91, 4.14, 4.31 and 4.27, respectively and it showed significantly difference to other groups (p ≤ 0.05). Compared to the fried fish crispy (control formula), it was found that fish crispy made from 100% anchovies had the physical values of water activity (aw) and redness (a*) less than control formula (0.23, 0.26 and 1.11, 1.49, respectively) while the brightness (L*) and yellow (b*) was greater than the control formula (31.26, 27.01 and 11.46, 9.82, respectively). It had the hardness of 840.95 g. Chemical composition analysis showed that fish crispy (100% anchovies) contained moisture 2.85% , protein 5.23% , fat 29.59% , carbohydrate 59.71% , ash 2.62% , calcium 227.78 milligrams which higher than control formula but it had fat 29.59 % and total energy of 526.07 kilocalories lower than control formula. In this study, it can show that small fishes can be used to produce fish crispy with improving nutrition value better than the normal fried fish crispy. In addition, it also contained high calcium content which can be used as a source of calcium for people with cow’s milk intolerance or who need calcium supplements.
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