The Effect of IDEAL Model Neonatal Jaundice Discharge Planning Program On Caregiver's Knowledge and Skill


  • Sasiprapa Surakan Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and Sick Newborns Chao Phraya Abhaibhusat Hospital
  • Saowapa Khunvichai Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and Sick Newborns Chao Phraya Abhaibhusat Hospital
  • Siriwan Pansawat Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and Sick Newborns Chao Phraya Abhaibhusat Hospital


This quasi-experimental study (One group Pre-test Post-test) aimed to develop a discharge planning program for Neonatal Jaundice in infants to enhance caregivers' knowledge and skills using the IDEAL Discharge Planning Strategy, covering 3C-PDSA. The study applied the development process according to the clinical practice development framework of the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia (NHMRC). Additionally, it aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the discharge planning program in studying caregivers of jaundiced infants, totaling 30 participants. Research instruments included pre-test and post-test knowledge questionnaires, pre-test and       post-test skills assessments, validated for content validity with a CVI value of 1. The development of the jaundiced infant discharge planning program according to the IDEAL framework included steps, methods, and content aligned with the 5-letter framework, namely, Include, Discuss, Educate, Assess, and Listen; I (Include): Identified primary caregivers, involving them in care and discharge planning, D (Discuss): Engaged in discussions with primary caregivers using the aforementioned 5 principles while visiting sick infants, E (Education): Educated caregivers about infant care upon returning home using the Line Official application named "Knowing Jaundice". A (Assess): Assessed caregivers' knowledge on each topic related to infant care to prevent jaundice. L (Listen): Listened to problems and gave caregivers the opportunity to ask further questions, organized through a Focus Group of mothers or caregivers of jaundiced infants receiving treatment, including discharge planning for continuous care at home. Post-test assessment (post-test) was conducted on the day of infant discharge. Data analysis was performed using Independent t-test and Paired t-test statistics.

The research findings revealed that the average scores for caregivers' knowledge of jaundiced infants in preventing readmissions after receiving the IDEAL discharge planning program were significantly higher than before (t = 9.953; p < .001). Similarly, the average scores for skills training of caregivers of jaundiced infants after receiving the IDEAL discharge planning program were significantly higher than before (t = 76.69; p < .001).

The IDEAL discharge planning program resulted in caregivers having accurate, appropriate, and confident knowledge and skills in caring for jaundiced infants, ensuring the safety of newborns from illnesses, and contributing to their quality of life.



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How to Cite

Surakan, S., Khunvichai, S., & Pansawat, S. (2024). The Effect of IDEAL Model Neonatal Jaundice Discharge Planning Program On Caregiver’s Knowledge and Skill. Journal of Research Innovation and Evidence based in Healthcare, 3(2), 14–22. retrieved from



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