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This study investigated to the effects of high jump training on flexibility in young students aged 13-15 years, totaling 40 students. The students were divided into two groups : control group and experimental group, 20 students in each group. Both groups were trained in high jump 3days/week for 8 weeks. The control group had exercise guidance without close monitoring and general physical activities. Meanwhile, the experimental group had trained and close demonstration by the researcher. The data was analyzed by using statistic of means, standard deviation, Paired sample t-test, and One-way Analysis of Variance with Repeated Measures. The results showed that the experimental group increased their flexibility (p<0.05), but no difference was found in the control group. In addition, the experimental group's weight changed from week 4 (p<0.05) and significantly decreased after 8 weeks of training (p<0.01).
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