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Naridsara phanphanich


This study was quasi-experimental research conducted on a single group. Tests were conducted before and after participating in the program to study the results of the program in solving the problem of overnutrition in students and to compare the results of the body composition of students. The sample group consisted of 45 students who were overweight or obese, aged between 12 and 16 years old, studying in secondary 1 to 3 of Satri Nakhonsawan School, Nakhonsawan Province. The sample group was selected through purposive sampling based on the specified condition and they received knowledge about changing health care behaviors, personalized advice, and were followed up via LINE group regarding dietary intake and physical activity. The research instruments included the tests on knowledge and understanding of health behavior changed on dietary consumption, physical activity, and health comprehension for 10 items of obesity prevention and the assessment 20 items on obesity prevention behaviors.  Additionally, body composition analysis was conducted using an InBody 270 machine to assess bone mass, muscle mass, body fat percentage, fat mass, energyexpenditure rate, and overall body growth scores. The sample group was assessed before and after program to compare the effects of behavior changes and body composition. Statistics used for data analysis were percentages, means, standard deviations, and t-tests. The research findings revealed that:

  1. After the program the level of knowledge and skills in planning personal health behavior changed among students was higher than before using the program at the statistical significance level of 0.05.

  2. There was no significant difference in nutritional status assessments before and after the program.

  3. Body composition analysis indicated that the enhancement of bone mass, muscle mass, fat mass, body fat percentage, energy expenditure rate, and overall body growth scores after the program were statistically significant differences level of 0.05.

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How to Cite
phanphanich, N. . . (2024). RESULTS OF THE PROGRAM TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM OF OVERNUTRITION AMONG STUDENTS IN NAKHON SAWAN AREA. Sports Science and Health Innovation Journal, Rajabhat University Group of Thailand, 3(2), 51–62. retrieved from


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