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Prapapon Daungmanee


A hospital, unlike other establishments, is a potentially dangerous place. This research is a cross-sectional descriptive research combined with case management. The sampling group was purposively selected according to criteria in the nutrition sciences unit of Sisaket Hospital, totaling 43 people. Data was collected during February to July 2020 by using the health risk assessment and working environment in the hospital assessment form, the pain score assessment form and the probability rating form of accident, incidence, or morbidity. Data was analyzed by using frequency and percentage. The results found that ergonomic risk finding was 86%, found 2 cases of work-related illness (4.65%), only one was chosen to manage the case occupational disease. In case of Tennis elbow, a 50-year-old Thai male patient who serves food to other patients is suffering from right wrist pain, and his thumb has been missing for three years. Roles of Occupational Health Nurses in Case Management is based on Orem's nursing theory, relationships, self-care, and self-care deficits caused by an inability to meet all their own needs. This information is used to develop a short-term / long-term, management plan, along with personnel health management.  Hence, the results of this management which take six months to achieve found that using muscles, arms, legs, and hands to scoop food for 238 hours per month, over a 25-year period increased the risk of Osteomyelitis and Tennis elbow that causes pain around the outside of the elbow. Referrals and care coordination, follow-up care, rehabilitation, and planning in collaboration with the head work's patients, all of which can assist the patients who suffer from arm pain in returning to work. It should not only adjust the scoop to seal the food tray, but also rotate duties in the department. In addition, workers should stretch their muscles before and after work in order to maintain disease prevention surveillance. It recommends having a proactive plan, yearly occupational risk assessment of individual personnel and annual health check-ups that will enable the detection of occupational illnesses and take on the role of occupational nurses. case management

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How to Cite
Daungmanee, P. (2022). CASE MANAGEMENT OF OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE CASES BY TENNIS ELBOW : IN CASE OF NUTRITION DEPARTMENT STAFF, SISAKET HOSPITAL. Sports Science and Health Innovation Journal, Rajabhat University Group of Thailand, 2(1), 27–40. retrieved from


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