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Rattapol Channiyom
Kittisak Makpan
Manop Phoosuwan
Natthida Bangmek


       The purpose of this research was to study the motivation for choosing bowling among Thai national bowling players. The sample group was twenty-two national bowling athletes who were selected by purposive sampling and divided into   14 males and 8 females. The tool used for data collection was a motivation questionnaire for choosing bowling that the researcher created with an Index of Item-Objective Congruence (IOC) of 1.00. The data were analyzed by mean, and standard deviation.

       The results showed that Thai national bowling players are motivated to choose bowling. Overall, it was at a high level (4.12±0.60). The aspects with the highest mean values were love, aptitude, and interest at a high level (4.49±0.42), followed by health at a high level (4.33±0.69). Opinions about oneself and related persons were at a high level (4.18±0.54); honor, reputation, and progress in the future were at a high level (3.81±0.75); and in terms of income and benefits, they were at the last highest level (3.79±0.64).

       Therefore, to drive other people to be interested in bowling until they enter the national team level, one should try to instill love, aptitude, and interest in that person's fame by having it accepted by others, including having a compensation reward to be able to create a lot of motivation to play bowling.

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How to Cite
Channiyom, R. ., Makpan, K., Phoosuwan, M. ., & Bangmek, N. (2023). MOTIVATION FOR SELECTING TO PLAY BOWLING GAMES OF THAI NATIONAL BOWLING PLAYERS . Sports Science and Health Innovation Journal, Rajabhat University Group of Thailand, 2(2), 47–58. retrieved from


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