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Phuthanet Sangsuwan
Jenjira Saensri
Ulaiwan Kraipech
Kittiya Puttichon
ธรรญญพร เพ็งสีแสง


     The purpose of this research was to study the prevalence and factors of injury among healthy runners in Muang District, Sisaket Province by using quantitative research methodology. The sample was 100 healthy runners obtained by accidental sampling. The statics used in this research were mean, percentage, standard deviation, and Chi-square test (χ2). The results showed that prevalence of running injury was 57.0%. Most injuries were mild degree (level 1), 54.39% . The injuries caused by external environment were 36.84% from too loose or too tight shoes, 24.56% from too high or too low temperatures, and 22.81% from lack of flexibility of the field. The injuries caused by physical condition of the athletes were 38.60% from lack of physical fitness, 26.32% from previous injury history and 13.30% from lack of movement techniques. The injuries caused by mental aspect found that 43.86% from lack of concentration, and 33.33% from stress. The most symptom of injuries were sprained joints, muscle cramp, and skin abrasion (28.07, 19.29, 19.29, respectively). There were significances of the relationship between gender, warm up, Frequency of warm-up and external environment (P = 0.021, 0.016, P = 0.040, P = 0.042, respectively)

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How to Cite
Sangsuwan, P. ., Saensri, J., Kraipech, U., Puttichon, K., & เพ็งสีแสง ธ. (2023). THE PREVALENCE AND RELATED FACTORS OF INJURY IN RECREATIONAL RUNNERS IN MUANG SISAKET DISTRICT, SISAKET PROVINCE. Sports Science and Health Innovation Journal, Rajabhat University Group of Thailand, 2(4), 32–41. retrieved from


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