Development of ready-made gelatin powder


  • Pichittra Yuenyang Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Northern College
  • Paparda Homchan Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Northern College


Tree-Sa-Moh, remedy, gelatin


          This study is the research and development of Tree-Sa-Moh formula; the formula consists of Sa-Moh-Thai, Sa-moh-Pi-Pek, Sa-Moh-Ted that used in Thai traditional medicine as expectorant, antinociceptive, and stimulan t.  Raw material of the hurbs were dried, meshed, mixed, and extracted by decoction, and % yield of the extract is 36.60%.   The water extract of Tree-Sa-Moh was generated for three formulas of gelatin jelly.   Then, all formu las were determined for physical characteristics,   including color,  texture and weight rariation. Mean and standard deviation were used as statisties for analysis

          The study indicated that, the formula III of Tree-Sa-Moh gelatin jelly, which contain 1.43% of Tree-Sa-Moh extract, 11.57% of water, 11.00% of po wdered gelatin, 15.00% of jelly, 15.00% of coconut sugar, and 60.00% of coc onut sugar.  And 1.00% of flovors has a suitable color and texture when co mpair with other products in the market.


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How to Cite

Yuenyang, P., & Homchan, P. (2023). Development of ready-made gelatin powder. Journal of Science and Technology Northern, 4(3), 113–120. retrieved from