Gloves, Yellow Rubber Tubes and Cable Ties Help with Laparoscopic Surgery
Single-incision Laparoscopic Surgery,, Surgical Gloves,, Medical innovation,, Cholecystectomy,, Glove PortAbstract
Single-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy (SILC) is an innovation developed to reduce the side effects of open surgery and improve the aesthetic appearance of the surgical wound. However, this technique has limitations such as instrument placement, visibility, and high equipment costs. This article presents the development of a special device using surgical gloves, yellow rubber tubes, and cable ties to create a single-incision laparoscopic surgical port, which reduces costs compared to expensive standard equipment. In addition, it describes the technical problems in SILC surgery and solutions such as tissue triangulation, instrument crowding, retraction, in-line vision problems, and special techniques that help the surgery proceed efficiently. The use of the developed Glove Port has been tested in real patients and demonstrated clinical feasibility, allowing surgeons to access SILC surgery without relying on expensive equipment. This development is an important step in increasing access to treatment and reducing the cost burden on hospitals and patients.
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