Transfer of technology for promoting maternal and infant health in the Muslim way in the three southern border provinces to strengthen the community
Technology transfer,, Promoting maternal and infant health in the Muslim way,, Three southern border provinces,, Community strengthAbstract
The purpose of the technology transfer is to manage knowledge from research related to the technology transfer of maternal and infant health promotion in the Muslim way in the three southern border provinces to strengthen the community. This is so that public health officers, village health volunteers in the community, and 3rd and 4th year nursing students who are practicing in the practice courses of maternal, infant, and midwifery nursing 1 and 2 can use the research results on maternal and infant health promotion in the Muslim way in the three southern border provinces to strengthen the community so that nursing is in line with the cultural way and religious beliefs. The sample group is 50 public health officers working at sub-district health promotion hospitals in Narathiwat, Yala, and Pattani provinces, 50 village health volunteers in Narathiwat, Yala, and Pattani provinces, 200 nursing lecturers in the field of maternal, infant, and midwifery nursing, and 200 3rd and 4th year nursing students, and 100 pregnant Muslim women. Data were collected during the months of October 2018–June 2019.
The results of the technology transfer found that The sample group studied consisted of 400 people, mostly female, 70 percent with an average age of 31-40 years (50 percent). The education level was mostly secondary (60.84 percent). As for the satisfaction level of innovation in transferring technology to promote maternal and infant health in the Muslim way in the three southern border provinces to strengthen the community, the average satisfaction level of the manual format and benefits when considering each item was at a high level, including the format and color of the letters were very appropriate, beautiful, clear images or letters were very modern, creative and appropriate, the font size was very interesting, the illustrations had artistic techniques and communicated the meaning very well, the story was very continuous, the time was very appropriate, the language was correct, the convenience of use was very convenient, and it was very useful to users.
The results of in-depth interviews and group discussions revealed issues in transferring technology to promote maternal and infant health in the Muslim way in the three southern border provinces to strengthen the community from the research and additional activities in the curriculum from technology transfer that had activities that were consistent with the context of tradition and culture and were effective and efficient. There was also follow-up and evaluation of knowledge and skills from observation, use of tests and retrospective demonstrations, and evaluation from the reflections of the trainees.
The next suggestion is: 1. Increase the variety of activities and increase the time in the practical section that participates in activities with all sectors. 2. Inviting local scholars to be co-lecturers. 3. The venue for organizing activities should have equipment for exchanging knowledge.
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