The Quality Assurance: Using the Deviation Index for Digital X-ray Imaging


  • ประภาพร ถาวรภูวนนท์ Department of Radiology, Krabi Hospital, Thailand


Deviation Index,, Digital Radiography


Background: The factor of radiography is an exposure technique that relates to the kilovoltage peak (kVp) and milliampere seconds (mAs). In digital radiography, it is difficult to evaluate if the exposure technique is appropriate in addition to considering the deviation index (DI), which is an indication of the quality of digital radiography.Objective: To study and compare the deviation index from digital x-rays of the skull, chest, abdomen, lumbar spine, and pelvis before and after improvements in exposure technique, the international standard reference. Methodology: The Descriptive study of the amount of deviation index on the skull, chest, plain abdomen, lumbar spine, and pelvis images before and after improving the exposure technique. The sample consisted of 500 outpatients and 700 imaging patients from February until June 2024.

Results: The results of the study showed that overall, in all x-ray imaging after improvements to exposure technique, the deviation index was ± 3, an increase of 30.29% than before. The difference in the DI between improvements in exposure technique was statistically nonsignificant (p-value = 0.417).

Conclusion: Improving the exposure strategy increased the deviation index (DI) by 30.29%, although the difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.417), according to the study's findings. This suggests that while technical changes may enhance imaging quality, their impact on DI variability is still unknown.


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How to Cite

ถาวรภูวนนท์ ป. . (2024). The Quality Assurance: Using the Deviation Index for Digital X-ray Imaging . VCHPK Health and Public Health Sciences Journal, 4(1), 49–60. retrieved from



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