Nursing care for patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB): A case study


  • Sujittra Bunang Professional Nurse, Bamrasnaradura Institute, Thailand


Nursing,, Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis patients


Background: Nursing report of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis patients at Bamrasnaradura Institute to provide guidelines for nursing personnel in nursing multidrug-resistant tuberculosis patients by providing nursing care from the time of admission until discharge.

Objective: This study aimed to study the case study of nursing multidrug-resistant tuberculosis patients.

Methodology: This study was a case study specifically for drug-resistant tuberculosis patients with HIV infection. Data were collected, analyzed, and the results of the study were presented according to the objectives of the study.

Results: The results of the study found that drug-resistant tuberculosis patients with HIV infection, which according to current knowledge, is one of the risk factors for drug-resistant tuberculosis infection and results in poor treatment outcomes. However, treatment outcomes would be significantly improved if antiretroviral drugs could be started in this group of patients as soon as possible after the tuberculosis patients learned their HIV test results. The problems in the past that caused antiretroviral drugs to be started later than they should have been were that the attending physician was still not sure about drug allergies and drug interaction problems between anti-tuberculosis drugs and antiretroviral drugs, etc.

Conclusion: HIV infection in drug-resistant tuberculosis patients contributes to the increased risk of drug-resistant tuberculosis. This results in treatment efficacy that is lower than the target. However, if antiretroviral therapy (ART) is started as soon as the HIV test results are known, the treatment outcome will be significantly better. The problem that has delayed the start of antiretroviral therapy in the past has been the concern of doctors about drug allergies and drug interactions between tuberculosis drugs and ART.


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How to Cite

Bunang, S. (2023). Nursing care for patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB): A case study. VCHPK Health and Public Health Sciences Journal, 3(1), 1–8. retrieved from



Research Article