Factors Predicting Monitoring and Preventive Behaviors of COVID-19 among People in Phuket Province
COVID-19,, Factors predicting behaviorsAbstract
Background: Reducing transmission, safeguarding vulnerable groups, and maintaining community health all depend on public behavior in monitoring and avoiding COVID-19 infection. Mask-wearing, social distancing, and immunization are examples of effective preventative methods that help contain epidemics and lessen the burden on healthcare systems.
Objectives: This analytical research aimed to investigate factors predicting monitoring and prevention behaviors of COVID-19 among People in Phuket Province.
Methodology: The 370 samples were randomly selected and responded to questionnaires developed by researchers to answer the questions with regards to knowledge, attitude, perceived health, reinforcing factors, enabling factors, and monitoring and prevention behaviors of COVID-19. Descriptive statistics including frequency percentage mean minimum maximum and standard deviation were used to analyze the data. Stepwise multiple regressions were used to analyze the factors predicting.
Results: Findings revealed that the subjects’ knowledge, attitude, reinforcing factors, enabling factors, and monitoring and prevention behaviors of COVID-19 were high level with 54.1%, 58.1%, 54.6%, 49.7%, and 70.3% representative. The perceived health was medium level with 52.2%. Moreover, the predictors of the monitoring and preventive behavior of COVID-19 were perceived self-efficacy of COVID-19 prevention (B=1.208, t=11.413, p<.000). Recommendation for the appropriate activities was should develop the extra-learning program for improving knowledge, attitude, and health behavior following the COVID-19 prevention measure according with a new normal lifestyle.
Conclusion: The results show that while reported health was at a moderate level, the majority of individuals showed high levels of COVID-19 knowledge, attitude, and preventive practices. It is advised to create supplemental learning initiatives that strengthen knowledge, attitudes, and health behaviors in line with the new normal lifestyle to improve COVID-19 prevention.
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