The Effect of Readiness Pattern on Behavioral Knowledge, Anxiety, and Complications in Patients Undergone Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy


  • Waraporn Morathia Professional Nurse, Nursing Group, Vachira Phuket Hospital, Thailand


Readiness pattern,, Behavioral knowledge,, Anxiety,, Complications,, Hyperbaric oxygen therapy


Background: Behavioral understanding aids in the diagnosis of complications during hyperbaric oxygen therapy, improves patient outcomes, and helps control anxiety. For a few seconds. During hyperbaric oxygen therapy, behavioral understanding helps patients control expectations and reduce anxiety. Additionally, it encourages early problem discovery, improving treatment outcomes and safety.

Objective: This quasi-experimental study, one group with pretest and posttest design. The purpose was to determine the effect of readiness patterns on behavioral knowledge, anxiety, and complications in patients undergoing hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

Methodology: Participants were selected using a purposive sampling technique, consisting of 30 patients undergoing hyperbaric oxygen therapy at Vachira Phuket Hospital. The research instrument was a Readiness Pattern that the researcher developed, consisting of video media, documentation, and a lesson plan. These were content validated by three experts. The content validity index was 0.98, 0.96, and 0.97 respectively. Data collection instruments consisted of a personal information record form, behavioral knowledge assessment form, anxiety assessment form, and complication record form. The index of item objective congruence was 0.96, 0.91, 0.93 and 0.93 respectively. The Cronbach, 's Alpha Coefficient of the behavioral knowledge assessment form and anxiety assessment form was 0.87 and 0.90 respectively. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics including number, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Compare the mean of behavioral knowledge scores and, the mean of anxiety scores before and after receiving the readiness pattern using paired t-test statistics.

Results:  The results revealed that after receiving the readiness pattern, the experimental group had a significantly higher mean behavioral knowledge score than before receiving the readiness pattern (p<0.001). The mean anxiety score after receiving the readiness pattern was significantly lower than before receiving the readiness pattern (p<0.001). Middle ears barotrauma was found (slightly redness eardrum) in 2 cases. Using research results in other departments, the readiness pattern should be implemented with a format tailored to the individual patient. Monitor the patient's ability to take care of themselves for safety from dangerous complications in hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

Conclusion: The study found that the readiness pattern significantly improved patients' behavioral knowledge and reduced anxiety (p<0.001). It recommends personalizing the readiness pattern for each patient and monitoring their ability to manage safety during hyperbaric oxygen therapy to prevent complications. for a couple of seconds. The results indicate that the readiness pattern significantly boosts behavioral knowledge and reduces anxiety in patients undergoing hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Tailoring this approach to individual needs and monitoring self-care abilities is crucial to minimize complications such as middle ear barotrauma.


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How to Cite

Morathia, W. . (2023). The Effect of Readiness Pattern on Behavioral Knowledge, Anxiety, and Complications in Patients Undergone Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. VCHPK Health and Public Health Sciences Journal, 3(2), 1–16. retrieved from



Research Article