Patient Radiation Dose Received from the Body Intervention Radiology procedures in Vachira Phuket Hospital


  • Natkittiphat Kitkunarak Radiological technologist, Radiology Department, Vachiraphuket hospital, Phuket, Thailand


Absorb dose,, Dose Reference Levels,, Intervention Radiology


Background: Intervention Radiology is a procedure that aims to provide treatment to the patient through blood vessels. By using a small specific medical device or small particle substance to be inserted into the patient's body for diagnosis and treatment using a vascular x-ray machine for guidance. The procedure will take quite a long time. Depending on the patient's pathology, the patient will receive a higher dose of radiation. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the amount of radiation that the patient receives to compare it with standard reference values both in Thailand and abroad.

Objective: To study the amount of radiation that patients receive from radiology examinations to treat the body system at Vachira Phuket Hospital and compare it with the reference radiation dose value of radiological examinations of the body system from other studies

Method: Method of study: This was retrospective descriptive research. By collecting data on 210 patients who received radiotherapy procedures to treat the body system by radiologists at Vachira Phuket Hospital, from September 2021 to June 2023, the study included 3 procedures, namely the administration of specific chemotherapy agents. that pass through the artery to treat liver cancer Injection of substances to block abnormal blood vessels in the body system and inserting a biliary drainage tube through the skin.

Result: It was found that the procedure delivered local chemotherapy agents through the arteries. Patients received the highest average cumulative radiation dose of 189.07 Gy/cm2. The average X-ray time was 26.87 minutes. The procedure was to drain bile from the liver through the skin. Patients received the lowest average cumulative radiation dose of 9.09 Gy/cm2. The average time for X-rays was 3.41 minutes. As for the use of substances to block abnormal blood vessels in the body system, Patients received an average cumulative radiation dose of 52.34 Gy/cm2. The average time for X-rays was 19.17 minutes.

Conclusion: Cumulative radiation dose values from this research When compared with the standard reference radiation dose of the Department of Medical Sciences. The Ministry of Public Health 2021 and international standards found that the cumulative radiation dose values from this study were less than the standard reference values.


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How to Cite

Kitkunarak, N. . (2023). Patient Radiation Dose Received from the Body Intervention Radiology procedures in Vachira Phuket Hospital. VCHPK Health and Public Health Sciences Journal, 3(2), 27–38. retrieved from



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