Interview of Dr. Sarawut Kaewtathip, Director-General of the Department of Mineral Fuels, Ministry of Energy


  • Ruangsit Netnuanyai Vachira Phuket Hospital, Thailand


Department of Mineral Fuels,, Petroleum Exploration and Production,, Energy Security,, Resource Management,, Greenhouse Gas Reduction Technology


Background: The Department of Mineral Fuels, Ministry of Energy, is an important agency that plays a role in regulating the petroleum exploration and production industry of Thailand, which is an upstream industry that is important for the country's energy security. Currently, domestic energy production is not sufficient for consumption, resulting in the need to import energy from abroad. Therefore, the management of natural fuels is important for the country's economic and social development.

Objective: This study aims to study the role of the Department of Mineral Fuels in regulating and developing petroleum exploration and production, including its impact on the country's economy. It also analyzes approaches to promote and increase efficiency in petroleum resource management to achieve sustainability.

Methodology: The study uses qualitative analysis based on data from secondary sources, such as reports from the Department of Mineral Fuels, academic journals, and interviews with relevant executives. In addition, it uses a method to compare Thailand's petroleum resource management policies and approaches with international standards.

Results: The results of the study found that the Department of Mineral Fuels plays an important role in collecting revenue from the petroleum industry into the country's treasury, including regulating various forms of petroleum exploration and production, such as crude oil, natural gas, and condensate. However, domestic energy production tends to decrease due to the lack of new resources and environmental constraints. The Department of Mineral Fuels has therefore implemented measures to increase management efficiency, such as supporting the use of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Conclusion: The Department of Mineral Fuels is an important agency that affects the country's energy security and economy. Efficient management of petroleum resources can help reduce dependence on imported energy from abroad and generate income for the state. In addition, the development of environmentally friendly technologies is an important approach to reduce environmental impacts and increase the sustainability of the energy industry.


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How to Cite

Netnuanyai , R. . (2022). Interview of Dr. Sarawut Kaewtathip, Director-General of the Department of Mineral Fuels, Ministry of Energy. VCHPK Health and Public Health Sciences Journal, 2(1), 67–74. retrieved from



Research Article