Factors related to Leptospirosis prevention and control behavior of people Nonghang Subdistrict, Benjalak District Sisaket Province.

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Nathawuti Tansila


  The purpose of this study was to study factors related to leptospirosis prevention and control behaviors of Nonghang Subdistrict  residents, Benjalak District Sisaket Province,282 people collected data by using a questionnaire. Between September – December 2020, data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. and the relationship of factors affecting the level of prevention and control behaviors of leptospirosis. Inferential statistics were used : Pearson product moment Correlation Coefficien. The results showed that The subjects had 27.66 percent good knowledge, 62.77 percent moderate and 9.57 percent low. Attitudes were 12.06 percent good, 76.95 percent moderate and 10.99 percent low. Behavioral was 14.89 percent good, moderate 68.09 percent and 17.00 percent low. and a sample group of factors related to leptospirosis preventions and control behaviors of the people of Nonghang Subdistrict Benjalak District Sisaket Province It was found that education and income were significantly correlated with the level of knowledge at the p<0.05 level. Age and social position were significantly correlated with the level of behavior at the p<0.05 level. Therefore, the focus should be on education. Correct understanding of leptospirosis and behavior modification for disease prevention To encourage people to be more aware of self-defense

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How to Cite
Tansila, N. (2023). Factors related to Leptospirosis prevention and control behavior of people Nonghang Subdistrict, Benjalak District Sisaket Province.: . Sisaket Journal of Research and Health development, 2(1), 1–12. retrieved from https://he03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/SJRH/article/view/1001


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